
Showing posts from November, 2012

Time?? What is this "Time" you speak of?

Okay, so I think it's about time I stopped promising a time frame on my blogging... I will blog as often as I have something to talk about and when I have time =D WELL! The last few weeks have been absolutely chocker block!!! As I mentioned in my previous blog I am the Musical Director for LTC's production of "Hairspray: The Musical" VERY Exciting stuff! So Three weeks ago was the Information Session for the Auditions, then the following weekend we held the Auditions. We saw approx 90 people for a cast of 30ish! So we had a lot more work cut out for us than anticipated. We have ended up with a great cast so I couldn't be happier. SO You would think now that my timetable would settle down a little bit? How wrong you are!!! SO Rehearsals started yesterday for Hairspray, another one on Wednesday THEN Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have auditions for another show I am Musically Directing. "Cinderella" with Panorama theatre Company in Mornington. Bot...

Bloggerino for the negletorino's

WOW okay so that whole "Blog a day" thing kinda failed... AWKWARD... SO new mission statement. ONE BLOG A WEEK... I feel this is a little bit more plausible and hopefully will provide with more interesting reading material. In the time since we last spoke... read... blogged? SO much has happened. Firstly the show I am performing in "42nd Street" is in it's second week of the three week season. So far the show is going really well and the audiences are loving it. The show is bloody exhausting and such a fast paced show but it is worth it. Having a ball. Only down side is after a massive production week into opening weekend I have become quite run down and my cold turned into a chest infection which I am still trying to shake. My family have had an event filled few weeks. My nephew decided to swallow a 10c coin which got stuck in his throat. Thankfully it was lodged in his food pipe and not his breathing/wind pipe (Clearly I am not a doctor) and it was als...