My balls are burning!!!
HELLO ALL!!! Welcome to the next in my series of blog-ness!!! So today was a massive day at rehearsals. We are powering through the choreography really fast (good for me) to get through it all in time. The choreographer is amazing!! Always makes me laugh, is a phenomenal dancer and I love his chore! It's kinda simple but fast and he has some really random syncopation through out his chore. I haven't tapped this much and this hard in such a long time. So my musical theatre life for next year promises to be AMAZING and I am so bloody excited you have no idea!!! unfortunately I can't really say to much at the moment as there is some stuff that is yet to be confirmed and other stuff that is yet to be publicized until the companies have announced. SO you guys will have to wait for the details. Been trying to work out what shows I love and really want to MD (Musically Direct) and it's really hard to narrow it down... It's hard because I have to ...